ACE from LeaseHawk: Revolutionizing the Multifamily Leasing Experience

The multifamily leasing industry is constantly evolving, and property managers are always seeking innovative solutions to stay competitive and improve the leasing experience for both owners, their teams and potential renters. One such solution is ACE from LeaseHawk, an AI-powered leasing assistant that streamlines the leasing process by providing instant information access and facilitating efficient communication. In this in-depth review, we’ll explore the features and benefits of ACE and how it integrates with LeaseHawk’s Performance Platform to optimize the leasing experience.

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What is the ACE Leasing Bot

ACE Leasing Bot is a cutting-edge AI leasing assistant designed to improve communication and engagement with potential renters, while reducing the workload for leasing agents. Working seamlessly with LeaseHawk’s Performance Platform, ACE offers several key benefits:

  1. Faster lead response times: ACE provides instant responses, eliminating the need for prospects to wait for a leasing agent’s availability, resulting in higher conversion rates and more leases signed.
  2. Consistency: ACE ensures a consistent level of service by asking the right questions and providing accurate information to each prospect.
  3. Reduced workload: ACE can handle an unlimited number of conversations simultaneously, freeing leasing agents to focus on closing deals.
  4. Enhanced reporting and analytics: ACE’s integration with the LeaseHawk Performance Platform enables in-depth tracking and analysis of prospect behavior, ad source effectiveness, and leasing agent performance.
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Closer Look at ACE’s Features

ACE is designed to centralize and streamline the leasing process, making it more efficient, secure and resource-friendly. Key features of ACE include:

  1. Conversational Tone: ACE’s human-like voice creates a positive connection between prospects and the community, setting it apart from other bots.
  2. Coverage: ACE can answer up to 95% of leasing calls, reducing missed calls and ensuring prospects receive the information they need.
  3. Multi-channel Integration: ACE is easily accessible from various platforms, including property websites, Google, ILS, and social media channels.
  4. Personalized Responses: ACE tailors its responses based on prospect preferences and interests, offering a customized experience.
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How ACE Leasing Bot Works: A Story of Efficiency and Innovation

Meet Sarah, a property manager at a bustling multifamily community. She’s constantly juggling numerous tasks, from managing her team to ensuring her property maintains high occupancy rates. To help her streamline the leasing process, she’s recently adopted LeaseHawk’s ACE Leasing Bot, an AI-powered virtual leasing assistant. Let’s take a closer look at how ACE Leasing Bot works and how it transforms the leasing experience for Sarah and her team.

Instant Responses and 24/7 Availability

Sarah is no longer inundated with calls, texts, and emails from potential renters. ACE Leasing Bot is available 24/7 to answer inquiries instantly, even when the leasing office is closed. By providing real-time responses, ACE keeps prospects engaged and increases the chances of converting them into residents.

  • Instant responses to inquiries, any time of the day or night.
  • 24/7 availability to ensure prospects are always attended to.

Conversational Tone and Personalized Experience

ACE Leasing Bot uses natural language processing to communicate with prospects in a friendly, human-like manner. It addresses prospects by their names and tailors responses to their preferences, creating a personalized experience that fosters a positive connection with the community.

  • Conversational tone for a friendly, human-like interaction.
  • Personalized experience based on prospect preferences and interests.

Multi-channel Integration and Coverage

Prospects can interact with ACE Leasing Bot through multiple channels, including property websites, Google, ILS, and social media platforms. This multi-channel integration ensures that prospects can easily reach ACE, while the bot’s ability to answer up to 95% of leasing calls minimizes missed business opportunities.

  • Multi-channel integration for easy access across platforms.
  • 95% coverage of leasing calls, reducing missed calls and lost leads.

Lead Qualification and Appointment Scheduling

ACE Leasing Bot asks prospects pre-screening questions to determine their needs and qualifications. This process enables Sarah’s team to focus on leads with higher potential for conversion. Additionally, ACE automatically schedules appointments with leasing agents, streamlining the process and reducing manual effort.

  • Lead qualification through pre-screening questions.
  • Appointment scheduling to streamline the leasing process.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Sarah and her team can now access in-depth analytics through the integration with the LeaseHawk Performance Platform. This valuable data helps them track prospect behavior, ad source effectiveness, and leasing agent performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to optimize their leasing process.

  • Enhanced reporting and analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Integration with LeaseHawk Performance Platform for data-driven insights.

The Power of ACE Leasing Bot: Sarah’s Success Story

With the help of ACE Leasing Bot, Sarah has transformed her community’s leasing experience. Her team is now able to focus on closing deals, while the bot handles inquiries, lead qualification, and appointment scheduling. The combination of personalized customer service, instant responses, and powerful analytics has provided Sarah’s community with a competitive edge in the multifamily industry.

Impressive Facts and Figures

ACE’s potential to improve the leasing process is supported by the following data:

  1. 49% of leasing calls are missed by leasing offices; ACE can ensure all calls are answered.
  2. 87% of callers won’t leave a voicemail if their call is missed; ACE provides instant information access.
  3. 73% of Millennial renters expect replies within 24 hours or less; ACE meets these expectations.
  4. Only 30% of calls to leasing offices are prospects; ACE allows leasing teams to focus on qualified leads.

LeaseHawk CRM – How it Works Towards Boosting Productivity

Leasehawk CRM

LeaseHawk CRM is a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management system that simplifies various tasks for leasing agents. It offers a range of features that enable leasing agents to improve their productivity and response times:

  1. Centralized Communication: LeaseHawk CRM allows leasing agents to send and receive calls, texts, and emails from one location.
  2. Pipeline Management: The leasing pipeline feature helps agents prioritize follow-up efforts and offers visibility into the leasing cycle.
  3. Instant Notifications: Leasing agents receive real-time notifications for phone calls, text messages, and emails, ensuring prompt responses.
  4. Relationship Organization: LeaseHawk’s interface displays all contacts and communication history in one place, enabling a personalized experience for potential residents.
  5. Efficient Response: Leasing agents can access real-time unit availability and pricing, and generate reserved quote sheets while on live calls without leaving the CRM.

ACE Leasing Bot: Streamlining the Leasing Process

ACE’s conversational tone and personalized responses are essential for creating a positive connection between prospects and the community. This level of engagement can help build trust and ultimately lead to more leases signed.

Another benefit of ACE Leasing Bot is its ability to integrate with multiple channels, including property websites, Google, ILS, and social media channels. By providing users a consistent experience across all channels, ACE Leasing Bot can enhance the brand’s image and reputation.

The LeaseHawk Performance Platform also offers valuable reporting and analytics, enabling property managers to monitor the performance of their leasing teams and the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. By tracking prospect behavior, ad source effectiveness, and leasing agent performance, managers can make data-driven decisions to improve their leasing and marketing processes continuously.

The integration of LeaseHawk CRM and ACE Leasing Bot offers a comprehensive solution for property managers looking to streamline their leasing processes. By providing leasing agents with real-time information, centralized communication, and appointment scheduling, LeaseHawk CRM enables lease agents to work more efficiently and productively.

ACE Leasing Bot handles initial inquiries, nurtures leads, and schedules appointments, freeing up leasing agents to focus on closing deals and managing other high-value tasks. By combining the power of these two tools, property managers can optimize their leasing processes and ultimately increase occupancy rates and revenue.


In conclusion, ACE Leasing Bot from LeaseHawk is a powerful AI solution that offers significant benefits to clients in the multifamily industry. By automating the leasing process while maintaining personalized customer service, ACE provides a competitive edge for property managers and owners. Coupled with LeaseHawk’s call tracking and performance platform, these tools can lead to a more efficient and successful leasing process.

With ACE Leasing Bot, property managers can ensure that all calls are answered promptly, provide personalized responses, and ultimately increase their leasing conversion rates. The integration of LeaseHawk CRM and ACE Leasing Bot further enhances the leasing process, providing leasing agents with the necessary tools to work more productively and efficiently.

Commonly Asked Questions

What Does LeaseHawk Do?

LeaseHawk is a leading developer of innovative software solutions designed to streamline the leasing process and enhance decision-making in the multifamily industry. Their platform offers a range of cutting-edge technologies that empower apartment management companies and property owners to improve their overall business performance. Key offerings include:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP): LeaseHawk’s AI-powered virtual leasing assistant, ACE Leasing Bot, utilizes NLP to engage with prospects in a conversational manner, providing instant responses and personalized experiences.
  2. LeaseHawk CRM: LeaseHawk’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system enables leasing agents to manage leads, stay organized, and boost productivity by centralizing communications and providing real-time notifications for calls, texts, and emails.
  3. Performance Analytics: The LeaseHawk Performance Platform provides in-depth analytics to track prospect behavior, ad source effectiveness, and leasing agent performance, allowing property managers to make data-driven decisions that improve their leasing processes.
  4. Multi-Channel Integration: LeaseHawk’s platform integrates with various channels, such as property websites, Google, ILS, and social media platforms, ensuring seamless communication and accessibility for prospects.

Who Owns LeaseHawk?

LeaseHawk founder and Chief Executive Officer is Mike Mueller. Mike has extensive experience in the multifamily industry and has dedicated his career to developing intuitive software solutions that drive productivity and performance for property managers and owners.

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