Product Overview: Swiftlane Office Intercom

Swiftlane Office Intercom is a secure, modern visitor access solution designed to solve these problems. The simple, modern solution elevates building security and experience, simplifies physical security in office buildings, and creates a future-proof workplace.

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Offices — from large commercial office buildings, to companies who occupy just a single unit in a small office building — need front desk and reception staff to manage their visitors in order to maintain a high level of security and operational efficiency.

Front desk and reception staff, however, cannot be tied to the front desk for the entire day. But, that is exactly what would be required to maintain office security, efficiently manage visitors, ensure all office deliveries are received, and more. 

Relying on the physical presence of staff or other employees is inefficient and requires a lot of overhead. It also makes scaling operations challenging and expensive. 

Swiftlane Office Intercom is a secure, modern visitor access solution designed to solve these problems. The simple, modern solution elevates building security and experience, simplifies physical security in office buildings, and creates a future-proof workplace. 

Swiftlane Video Intercom for offices offers:

  • Visitor PIN access
  • Front desk intercom 
  • Commercial , multi-tenant intercom
  • Video intercom
  • Health check tools

Swiftlane allows office managers to generate unique single- and multi-use PIN codes that can be distributed to delivery persons and recurring visitors. PIN codes can be given out over the phone, via smartphone, email, and do not require a smartphone to access the office, unlike QR codes. Single-use PIN codes can be given to delivery personnel for secure one-time access to ensure an office delivery is never missed. These can also work for interviewees and other one-time visitors. Multi-use PIN codes can be scheduled to grant access for nightly cleaning crews and other recurring visitors. 

Swiftlane’s front desk solution allows visitors to easily contact the front desk or lobby staff by using the front door two-way audio and video calling. Front desk staff can remotely pick up a visitor call on their phone and unlock the door.

Swiftlane’s commercial, multi-tenant intercom enables visitors to communicate with office employees or other office managers and admins directly. With commercial multi-tenant intercom, offices can significantly reduce operational overhead in order to make scaling seamless and easy. 

Swiftlane Video Intercom allows any incoming intercom call recipient to use two-way video intercom calling to securely verify visitor ID before granting remote entry. Incoming call recipients can also choose one-way video to visually verify the office visitor without enabling video on their end. 

Swiftlane Health Check is an office intercom tool offering an in-app health screening questionnaire, health announcements, and capacity planning. Office visitors can complete a health screening assessment prior to arrival and see any health announcements for the office within the Swiftlane app. Office managers can easily manage workplace capacity as visitors come in and out. 

The Swiftlane Office Intercom product overview provides a detailed look at each of these products, their features, and how they support offices, and provide employees with the best workplace experience. 

Download the overview and see how Swiftlane can benefit your office building or workplace.

PDF: SwiftReader X Video Intercom Overview

Access a PDF overview of SwiftReader X from Swiftlane. A modern upgrade to apartment and condo building entrances. Get a complete overview of the features of Swiftlane’s Video Intercom solution.